Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Springing up

Lots has been going on, and I've neglected to write. Let's see:

1. I got the topsoil in the planter that is going to be an herb garden and also in the new 4x8 raised bed in the back. Next step: plants for both. It'll be strawberries in the back, but I'm still open to suggestions in the front. I know I want Rosemary, and space for annual herbs (parsley and dill are both popular here). I'm going to plant mint in a separate pot I'll keep next to the planter. As for others, I'm not sure. We'll see what other interest plants I can find in the farmers' market.

2. Planted tomatoes. I waited this year until late March, figuring that was pretty late to start them. Little did I know...they've been big enough to plant for a couple of weeks already! I started peppers, too. The older seeds took longer to germinate, and didn't do so as evenly, but they did start. Looks like three varieties of mildly hot peppers this year. Also cucumbers, which are growing, and squash. But only one of the 9 squash seeds I planted has germinated so far. Did I mention that the squash is Israeli?

3. There are a few little Kholrabi plants and Kale plants. Very bad germination. I know that's partially because I planted them too early, but still...I always have this problem. One piece of good news is that nothing has eaten the plants yet. Last year the d-n rabbits had already done in my Kale.

4. The onions are all up I realize that I could have planted more (that is, I had room for more). As it is, I should have 40-50 of them this summer, which is twice what I've had before.

This weekend: buying plants and starting to harden off the tomatoes.

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