Saturday, May 14, 2011

And it's time for herbs

Got the tomatoes in on Thursday. The garden is starting to look pretty full, but there's still room for the cucumbers and squash. Unfortunately, the Israeli squash seeds I bought this year didn't germinate very well. I only have one plant! Cucumbers and peppers are still small and still inside.

A couple of years ago, I started working on the 5'x5' planter near the kitchen door. The idea is to make a permanent herb garden. This year I got it filled with earth (easier to work with than the foot and half down it used to be. And today we went to the farmers market. We now have:

1. Bay (will it survive the winter?)
2. Rosemary
3. St. Johns' Wart (looked interesting)
4. Oregano
5. Thyme
6. Basil, of course
7. Chives, planted in a clay pot so they won't spread.

A couple of weeks ago I planted some dill and parsley seed, and I saw seedlings today!

It looks like it might make sense to plant a bush of some kind in the back. I'm not sure what would not be too big, but would create a nice background for the herbs. Maybe lavender?

And I planted two more tomato plants in a corner of the garden I might not have used. If all goes well this year, we should have a lot of tomatoes.

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