Monday, April 27, 2009


It describes last weekend. Nothing says "let's get those plants in the ground" like such hot weather. It seems a shame to let them sit in the basement (not to mention that they are way too big). But April is still too early.

I've mentioned this to a few people, and heard that the normal planting time is May 1, May 8, Mother's Day, and May 15. Not exactly agreement (although there is an early May theme going on.) But then I found this which is pretty much official. Assuming I am in Central Maryland (given the shape of the state, does that even make sense?), May 1 seems just fine for tomatoes and squash. Cucmbers, watermelon, and peppers will have to wait.

Looks like I might get started next weekend. The tomatoes will certainly be happier in the ground.

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