Thursday, August 26, 2010

Too many tomatoes

We've gotten to that point of the summer. This means success, of course, but also leaves me wondering how to use up what I've grown. Last summer I tried canning them, but I wasn't satisfied with the result. I thought the home-canned tomatoes were actually kind of bland, so I don't want to do that again.

That leaves us on a search for tomato recipes.

I pulling up the dead/dying zucchini plants today. This was not a very successful season for them---once again, only a few fruit grew. Why don't I get more zucchini? The cucumbers may also be on their last legs.

Of course, the continuing seasons mean that new things are happening. I've planted some more kale and kholrabi. The first plants have come up, very spotty germination, however, maybe because of the heat? Peas are also coming up, but also somewhat disappointing germination. Still, with any luck we should get some peas this fall.

I also picked some hot chili peppers. They are drying under low heat in the oven. Should be plenty for chili this winter.

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