Sunday, August 8, 2010

The harvest continues

The dribble of one or two cucumbers each day means that the vegetable drawer in the fridge is filling up again. If this keeps up, I will eventually make dill pickles. For now, however, we are planning a cucumber-mango salad for a potluck that should put a dent in them.

The tomatoes are producing, although kind of slowly. Part of the problem is that I still lose more than I like to insects and other things of that sort. It is disappointing to see a tomato that was ripening go bad before it can be picked! Still, we are getting more than enough, and plenty of cherry tomatoes.

Getting a few raspberries, as well. There should be lots soon.

Still only a zucchini every week or so. They are very discouraging. Maybe I should give them up.

The pea plants have shown up and are starting to reach the trellis. And there are tiny kholrai and kale plants. I suppose next week I should try to plant some more, since I'm sure this heat isn't the best for them.

I am spraying Seranade like crazy (twice in the past week). I think I am losing to the powdery mildew, but at a slower rate than in the past. Next year, I'll have to try spraying earlier.

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