Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Again

Time for a new post...I've completely neglected the blog over the winter and promise nothing this year.

Snowmaggedon is long gone, and last weekend gave me two perfect days for getting the garden in shape. I had done a few things over the pruning the blueberry bushes. (Should be done very year. I had never done it. There will be more next winter, I suppose). But mostly, I just left things.

So this weekend was a bit of a flurry of activity, although there was a lot less to clean up than last year. Or maybe I just did less. Anyway, I got things organized, and got the first planting in. This consists of:

1. half a row of kale (red and green)
2. half a row of kholrabi
3. Some peas (an experiment)
4. A row and some more of onions.

I planted the peas where some of my cucumbers will eventually go. I am not going to fight the cucumber blight any more. Instead, I am going to plant to put in a couple of plants every two months through July (when the beetles should be gone) and just let the early plants go. At least we should have cucumbers all season.

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