Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So, the cucumbers I was about to give up for lost seem to be getting ahead of the cucumber wilt. They started putting out new leaves a week or so ago and are now putting out flowers. And, dare I say it, a few small cucumbers are appearing. Maybe we will have another fall crop. I can't say that I have the solution to the cucumber wilt problem yet, but at least there should be a few more this year.

I may be getting somewhere with the zucchini as well. One plant seems to have more or less recovered and I now see a new little zucchini growing on it. Success! I thought the other was a goner, but it never quite completely collapsed. And now, there is a single healthy leaf at the end of the plant. So it, too, looks like it may yet struggle through. Could be zucchini all fall. Although the plants may well take over the garden at the rate they are going.

I planted a few bush beans because I had the seeds (leftovers from last year) and the room (the space where the garlic had grown. And they have grown very nicely. I wanted to plant more, but it is impossible to find seeds mid-season. Grrr. I've ordered some more, but won't be able to plant them for another week or so.

Meanwhile, lots of tomatoes, especially the Roma variety I planted. These seem to take a long time to fully ripen. In fact, they seem to only fully ripen after I pick them (although maybe that's because I've been impatient?) Fewer of the Early Girls right now, although there are enough.

And the raspberries are starting. Which is good because I love raspberries. I don't really mind that they are going to take over parts of the garden that they were supposed to say out of.

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