Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Flowers, Flowers

How I like seeing yellow flowers in the late spring. I don't know why cucumbers, squash, tomatoes and watermelon all have the same color flowers, but it sure is good to see lots of them on the plants. Those little flowers tell me that the harvest is that much closer---and that I've done something right (at least, right enough to get to this stage).

Some of the plants are already beyond the flower stage. I see tomatoes beginning to set on both the regular and paste tomato plants. Also very small cucumbers behind the cucumber flowers. The zucchini are being stubborn, however. They've only shown the male flowers so far, although I think I see a couple of female flowers showing up. (Only the female flowers produce fruit.) This has been going on for a couple of weeks.

The blueberries are good news. First picking (done by somebody who promised to help weed, I might add) yielded over two pounds of fruit. ABD's are working so far, kenahora. Or better, ken-zipporah, which means "no birds."

I suppose I'll be harvesting garlic soon. Funny to think I planted it last fall, which seems so long ago, in gardening time.

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