Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The snap peas have done very well. The plants are now up above the support (that means they are more than five feet high) and producing. Here's today's quart:

Plus I'm still getting raspberries. This is much later than I usually get significant amounts of raspberries. It's now too dark to pick them in the evening---in the past, that meant I was home too late. But now I'm working at home, so I can take off a few minutes and pick them during the day. Wonder how long the pollinators will continue to be active.

Also got some figs. If this year is any indication, next year's fig crop should be quite large. We can only hope.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hot peppers and cooler weather

It had to come. But we had a remarkable run of hot weather in mid-September this year, and that kept the hot-weather crops producing. I'm still getting tomatoes, for example. But the past couple of days have been cooler, and I'm beginning to think it's the end of most things.

Still, it's been nice while it lasted. Lots of hot peppers, for example. Enough tomatoes for tomato sauce for the winter. And I'm still getting enough raspberries for my cereal every other day. I do like raspberries.

Not everything has worked out, and I need to make a full accounting soon. But enough that I have to think of this as a successful year, even after the cool start.

Update: Here's the picture--over 1 lb of hot (but not so hot) peppers. They went into the dryer.