Sunday, March 31, 2013

Finally, some germination

I've been impatient this year...but really. It said on the seed packet that the spinach would germinate in 7-12 days. It's now been almost three weeks, and, yes, I finally see something peaking up. Also some Kale (but not Kholrabi or anything else I planted, go figure).

The relatively cold weather we've been having might have something to do with it, although it hasn't been that cold. Still, at least something's gotten started.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Here's a new feature. You can see what happened in the Chief Weeder's garden on this calendar:

Let's see how this works!

Starting another season

Had some snow on a trip to New York a week ago Friday (March 8) and I'm hoping that's it for winter. Because I've started planting. The garden is relatively weed-free, thanks to my new toy, the cultivator.

Here's a view of the garden. Not much to see, but there is garlic over on the left-hand side, if you look carefully.

I've already put in some early plants:

Swiss chard

The spinach and lettuce are in a row that will eventually go to cucumbers and squash--hoping the leaf vegetables are ready early enough. Swiss chard and broccolini  are  new this year.

I also put in the onions. This year I'm trying them from plants.

I assume the idea is that they will awaken from dormancy when they get wet. I watered them, and am now waiting for rain. It was supposed to rain this weekend. What happened?