Monday, May 28, 2012

The spring in a few posts

Last year I finally planted strawberries after many suggestions from the non-weeders. This year, sure enought---lots of strawberrries. I think we would have had more, but I didn't put clean straw on in the spring (at least I'm guessing that's why so many rotted). Despite the losses, we had two cups of strawberries very day for a week and are still getting about one cut every other day. And that's only after one year!

Of course, I had to put netting over the raised bed. That was after the first 6-8 berries that ripened were hit by birds (I know because I saw them.) Fortunately, this is much easier than for blueberries.

Strawberries! Notice the netting.
I had tried seeing if my (incompletely grown) kale and kholrabi would overwinter. However, all of the plants bolted once the weather got nicer. So that experiment didn't work too well.

This year: I put in a 3'x3' raised bed for asparagus. Followed the directions---and, for the longest time, nothing. However, I just today saw the ninth and final plant starting to grow, so it looks like we will have asparagus in the future. Although we may have to wait another year or two.

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