Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cucmbers, cucumbers and some more on rabbits

The cucumbers are producing, one or two a day. I used eight of them to make sweet pickles, but I've already picked three or four since then. This is good. I think. The problem, of course, is that I either get nothing or a lot. There is just no way to plan to get a cucumber each day just when we need it for the salad.

The rabbits have discovered the garden gates, it seems, and have made a couple of holes under them. I've blocked them, and so far it seems to have worked. Before I found them, however, the rabbits got to a couple of cucumbers that were growing on the ground. They can't get to the ones that are up six or twelve inches, however.

Tomatoes still aren't ripe...except for the cherry tomatoes. And a few zucchini are growing.

I've been spraying to dry to stop the powdery mildew, but it's not clear yet if I've succeeded. At least the plants aren't dead.

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