Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Raspberries and Rabbits

Can I start with some good news? I didn't cut down all the raspberry canes last year, and I've been rewarded with major raspberry action. I got almost a pound two days ago, and another 10 ounces today.

This may complicate things in the fall. Since they obviously bear on year-old canes, I will have to decide which ones are too old, rather than just get rid of all of them (which is what I was doing). But I have lots of raspberries.

Meanwhile, the war with the rabbits continues. I discovered that they were getting in under the side fence! So last Sunday morning I got up early, to get going before it got hot, and dug a 92 inch long trench next to the fence, then cut hardware cloth to fit and stapled it on. No rabbits can get in that way.

So I came out to the garden in the afternoon, and, yes, there it was...a large rabbit in the middle of things. Grr. I chased it to try to figure out where it was coming in, but we did the around the garden thing until I lost track of it. So I went to pick the raspberries. When I finished I walked toward the garden gate---and there it was, trapped in the cul-de-sac next to the gate. And breathing heavily. All I had was a bowl of raspberries, which are not, by any means, a useful anti-rabbit tool. I tried to open the gate and the rabbit jumped past me and back into the garden.

At this point I lost it. How did it get in? At first I thought maybe it was trapped, but I haven't been able to rouse it in a couple of days of trying. So I assume it found a way out. Maybe under the other gate? I will have to try to seal that off, too.

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