Monday, September 21, 2009

Slowing Down

As the weather gets cooler, production slows. But doesn't stop. We're still getting some tomatoes (although about half have black spots that spread and make the fruit inedible.) There's still lots of basil. I used over six cups two weeks ago for a couple of recipes, and it wasn't like I was lacking it today. I'm drying it in the oven--why buy?

I got a zucchini this weekend as well. The plants are hanging on, although the fruit doesn't always grow very big. Still getting raspberries, although not as many as a couple of weeks ago. Other things are beginning to go brown.

My next outdoor project is building a sukkah, and the garden will provide some interesting schach this year. Like the sunflower plants, and maybe the ornamental squash, which got huge---but is now dying. It's only after I take the sukkah down that I will finally (probably in late October) pull up the remaining annuals and finish getting ready for the winter.

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