Sunday, March 1, 2009

The perfect time to start a garden blog, I guess, is in winter. There's not much to do but watch the compost do its thing (or not, in my case---I seem to have perfectly preserved leaves from last year).

Gardeners are supposed to be busy looking at seed catalogs this time of year. In the past, I ignored this, and bought my plants in May. This year, I decided to do the whole growing from seed thing. The main reason is to try to grow cucumbers that don't succumb to cucumber wilt, but I'm going to try doing other plants as well. I have a grow light, pots and other stuff (what would a hobby be without equipment?) In the next few weeks, I'll discover if I can make anything grow inside.

Of course, I would not be surprised if my supposedly sterile growing medium sprouted a fine crop of weeds.

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