Tuesday, June 15, 2010

&^%*# Rabbits

I keep meaning to post about the rabbits...and more keeps happening. I wondered why I saw a rabbit in the garden a little while ago. What happened to my rabbit-proof fence? (You have to bury it far enough in the ground to keep the little so-and-sos from digging a hole underneath. Which I did, all along the bottom of the porch.)

Once the kale and kholrabi (K&K) were gone the rabbit didn't seem to be doing much damage, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to plant beans, peas, and more K&K until I got rid of it.

A week or so ago I saw it again, and chased it...and found the hole it had dug. Under the steps, it found a weak spot in the rabbit-proof fence. I dropped a concrete block over the hole and thought, OK, that'll hold it for a while.

Then I saw it again. I chased it and found...that the entire south fence is probably a weak spot. The rabbits can dig in from the next-door neighbors' driveway. Looks like I will have to extend the rabbit-proof fence all the way along this area if I want to keep them out. So frustrating!

I don't have time for this right now...and it looks like I've lost the two weakest tomato plants. Plus some onions. Who knew that rabbits like onions? (Or tomato plants, for that matter). I've tried some anti-rabbit juice that didn't work very well before. It sure stinks to me.

A shotgun would be too good for them.

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