Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kind of weedy

This happens when you go away for a couple of weeks (although I did get some help in spraying, no weeding occured).

But this was a couple of weeks ago. Things are now better weeded and generally under control. Most everything is pretty late this year. Cucumbers might just be ready to begin, and the tomatoes are just starting to form. On the other hand, the garlic looks like it's ready (a week or two before it normally would be) and the onions are already falling down. It's kind of a crazy year.

And I am afraid the fig tree had it. Last winter was just too much.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Baby spinach

The winter hung on this year, and so the early crops didn't do well. Not much germinated for a long time. And then the lettuce never did. I finally gave up on it.

We now have some small kholrabi, chard, and kale plants. Don't know how well those will do. But the spinach is beginning to take off. I thinned it out and got enough for some nice spinach salad.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Late onions

Finally got in 60 onion plants. This has been a strange spring. I would have planted the onions a couple of weeks ago, but it was going to snow, and I didn't want the dry plants to get frozen. Maybe it would have worked, but I figured I would avoid trouble.

I've now got the tomatoes and peppers seeded and germinating. I hope, anyway that they are germinating. Nothing is showing yet (I thought spinach showed up quickly, but maybe the cold weather slowed things down.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

A new year in the garden starts off with a bang

Between this year's constant snow and storms, and work being done (or, worse, not being done) on our entrance deck, I really didn't get around to getting outside to the garden until today. I looked up my plans, and realized that--surprise!--it's March. So I managed to plant most of the cool weather seed crops today. That includes kale, chard, kholrabi, and spinach.

Chard seeds (on the left) and spinach (on the right)
This year I bought most of my seeds from Seed Savers Exchange, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by oddities. Still, these are the largest spinach seeds I've ever seen. The chard seeds look large as well, although this is only the second year I've planted chard. 

I kept away from putting out the onions. Because it looks like another storm is on the way.