Sunday, April 28, 2013

First fruits (or first spinach, at least)

Yes, here we have baby spinach and baby lettuce. Otherwise known as the remains of the thinning. Made a nice base for a salad.

Meanwhile, I have been cultivating the garden to get rid of weeds. I haven't done a job this thorough in quite a few years.

Here's what the spinach looked like before I thinned it.

The lettuce is behind it. I've also got small kholrabi and kale growing, and a first for this year, swiss chard and broccoli rabi. 

Oh, and those dormant onion plants seem to be taking off.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back, and the miracle of germination continues

I left the garden for two weeks. When I got back, some good things showing.

The picture shows spinach and lettuce, on the left. Not bad (although I might have expected some more growth in over a month, I think). The swiss chard and brocollini are on the right. They haven't germinated as well, especially the swiss chard. But there seems to be enough to be useful. Onions in the middle, and those dormant plants seem to be picking up steam.

In the back you can see the kale and kholrabi, with lots of seedlings of both.

Still, it seemed to take longer to germinate and grow than I expected. The spinach and lettuce had better hurry up. In another month or so, I'll need some room in those rows for squash and cucumbers.