Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grapes, figs, and more racoons

Monday: Picked some edamame. Had them for dinner. Very nice. Determined to pick the rest on Thursday, blanch them, and freeze them.
Tuesday, Wednesday: kept checking the edamame. Looked good.
Thursday evening. Went out to pick the edamame. And they were all gone. Stripped from the plants. Finis. I have to assume it is racoons.

Plus, I've been forced to do some experiments with peas. I planted pea seeds on Saturday. Sunday morning, here' what I found:

Yep. Something dug into the ground and got all but one of the 90-some peas I planted. Since then, I've tried replanting (gone the next morning) and bird netting (gone again). Tonight I put down half-inch hardware cloth held down with staples. Anything that wants those peas is going to have to move that hardware cloth.

Good news: the fig tree is going to give me a dozen figs in its second year! And I picked some grapes:

These are Seyval Blanc grapes. They are supposed to be good for eating as well as wine. I tried some--not bad. Some are brown in the picture above, I think because I waited too long before picking them (but I wanted to be sure they were ripe). There are a couple more small bunches as well. Not bad for the second year.