Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Yes, it was time. And this, at least, is something the birds couldn't get.

That's 35 heads of garlic.
 And these were uniformly large. I've never had such a good crop.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birds and raspberries

I haven't been getting many raspberries for a few days, and I began to think I was facing the birds once again. But today was much better, so I don't think the birds are taking that many. The blackberries seem to be well protected by the netting. And I put netting over some of the grapes (I have about 4 small bunches this year, not bad since I just planted the vince last year).

Three kohlrabies went for a salad for the work potluck. Others will be ready soon. As will some kale. I am now trying to figure out if I should harvest garlic today or wait until I come back from a short trip.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Kholrabis and kale

The kholrabis in training are getting to the point where I might harvest a few. Looks like more than enough this year! And the kale is starting to pick up as well. More consolation for the lost blueberries (and apparently dying asparagus, although new asparagus shoots are coming up from some of the plants. Maybe a few will survive?)

I have some nice lettuce, but no reason to pick it since we are getting so much from the CSA. I thought that with only a half share we would want some of our own. Guess not.

Blueberries for the birds

Because they aren't for us. We got a cup and a half, and some of them were still early. And then, as usual, the bird(s) found how to get in under the netting. No more blueberries. Consolation: raspberry season has started. The birds take a few of these, as well. But I don't mind because they leave plenty. See---I can share. How about the birds?

And also on the berry front, there are a significant number of blackberries (well, enough for a cup or two) that have started ripening. I covered them with netting, and that seems to be working so far.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Little figs

Only the second year, but it looks like I have a few little figs! Raspberries are starting up now, too. Blueberries are ripening as well, and I've protected some--but not all, yet--from the birds. Although I haven't had good luck with the netting.

A mystery: why didn't many of the lettuce seeds germinate, and why is the lettuce growing so slowly. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but very small heads so far.

And what's up with the asparagus? They sprouted, finally, from the roots I planted. But now some of the plants seem to be dying. They've had plenty of water, since we had lots of rain.