Sunday, September 26, 2010

Peas and no Kale

Peas! Despite the recent heat, I discovered pea pods. There will be some ready to pick in a few days. The only problem is that there probably won't be enough for a meal at any one time. Next year I guess I'll have to plant more (and also support them better---plastic posts just don't do the job).

The kale, however, are still being eaten. Presumably by rabbits, or by whatever seems to be making holes. I fill them in, but can't quite figure out where they are coming in from. Unless they got under the dug-in hardware cloth. Grr...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Still producing and raspberries, too

Well, it has gotten cooler, but the tomato production was slowing even before it cooled off. And it's still in the 80s during the day, anyway. But something is eating the tomatoes once they get reasonably ripe (not rabbits, as the high ones are being eaten as well). I'm now picking them as soon as they show a little bit of red, and that seems to provide enough that we still get them for the garden, plus we had extras with the CSA.

We are also still getting a few small bell peppers, and a fair number of hot peppers. Whatever is eating the tomatoes is eating the hot peppers as well, by the way.

Also signs of rabbits or something digging into the garden. They've eaten the tiny kale and kholrabi plants that I planted a month ago and had started to (slowly) grow. I've put in more, and hope that the rabbits (or whatever) either get blocked out or slow down as it gets cooler.

One good thing--the raspberries have hit another peak production. Looks like enough for raspberries very morning with my cereal, with any luck until we get frost. Mmm...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Animal Update---now they are attacking the fertilizer

So I went out last night to check on the garden. There is a small plastic cabinet on the deck that I use to keep tools, seeds, and bags of fertilizer and soil amendments in. The door was open, which is not unusual---I don't always close it completely. But the weird part was that some animal had gotten into the cabinet and dragged out a bag of fertilizer. Tore it open, too, and spilled most of the contents onto the deck.

What could possibly attract an animal to fertilizer (organic, yet)? And why don't I get a shotgun?