Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yes, they found a way in. So much for spring kale, peas, and kholrabi. I wasn't too hopeful anyway, because I think I planted these too late.

I went around sealing up some places where they might have gotten in, and I'm hoping for better luck in the fall.

Getting the plants in

It's been sort of hectic what with traveling and now an operation. But I managed to get the tomatoes planted---they were growing too big under the lights for their pots. Then we got a couple of days of cool, rainy weather. Most of the plants are doing fine, but a couple that were fragile to begin with may not make it. I may have to buy a couple of plants, since I don't have any more cherry tomatoes.

Oddly, while the tomatoes germinated quickly and grew fast, the cucumbers and zucchini have taken a lot longer. In fact, the zuccchini are only now germinating, and it must be a month since I planted them. I'm not sure I will even be able to use the plants I started, since they are so late. The cucumbers are a little better, but have been growing very slowly. I'll probably try to do more planting soon.

I've had to leave a lot of things undone this year. For example, I cleared the planter on the side of the hummingbird attracting plants (I saw one hummingbird there over the years) to plant herbs. It needs about a yard of soil, but it's just too much trouble right now to figure out how to fill it. So I'm going to plant annual herbs this year, and will try to get the soil over the winter, maybe in conjunction with putting in a raised bed (another project I want to do) where it is difficult to dig because of roots in the vegetable garden.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sprouting Report

Tomatoes are coming up, although I've lost a few of the plants. Good thing I put three seeds in each pot. A couple of cucumbers or zucchini have germinated, too. Next weekend should be good for some preparation.