Saturday, April 24, 2010

Seed Starting Stuff

So I started the tomato seeds two weeks ago...I wonder why the seed packages claim they take six to eight weeks. The seeds had germinated by the end of the first week, and are now growing under the lights. I expect to have plants ready to go by the middle of May without any problem.

Last year, I started the tomatoes in March, and had to replant a bunch of them...and even then they got too big.

Today, I started the cucumbers and zucchini. Unfortunately, the kale and kholrabi don't seem to be doing too well. Not much germination, although enough to provide some nice plants. But there is a big if---if it doesn't get hot too quickly for them. I think I should have planted the kale earlier.

Only about half the peas I planted germinated. Maybe it doesn't pay to use last year's seed for peas? It worked for tomatoes, though.

At least the onions and garlic seem to be doing well. As are the weeds. I'm going have to do something about the weeds before planting.